Saturday, December 03, 2005

Where did this year go?

I cannot believe it is December already! Where did the time go? It seems like only a few months ago we were bringing in 2005!

The past few days have been dreary, rainy, and cold! It would be nice to see some snow. I just hope it doesn't do it on the day the kids and I head down to Alabama (to be with my family) for Christmas. It did last year and the traveling was absolutely horrendous until we got out of Nashville. Yuck. lol.

I got to talk to John today! It was our first conversation in weeks. It was so great to hear from him and it really made my day. I feel so bad for him. The poor thing has to work seven days a week. He sounded so tired and homesick. I've been missing him so much. The kids and I aren't even going to put our tree up this year. We will be out of town anyway, so what's the point? It's just too hard to put the tree up without John and taking it down would be the pits. I'm such a weenie. lol. I did get out my snow house (that lights up) and I need to get a few more things out to at least make it feel like Christmas around here. Maybe I can get to that tomorrow. Tonight, I am waiting on my best friend, Tara, to come over and watch War of the Worlds with us. Keith and I watched it last night and I don't care to see it again but we have nothing else to do and I will get to play with my Godson so that will be nice. :)

Well, my company is here so this is it for tonight. Wishing everyone a good night!


Carolyn F said...

So glad that you got to hear from John again!

Courtney said...

You've been tagged! (See my blog for details)

Courtney said...

You've been tagged! (See my blog for details)